Mint your own print
Get a print of the Feisty Doge image by locking 25 million NFD.
Holders receive airdrops and can show their support for the community in web3!
Stake your NFD LP to earn ANFD!
Q. What does staking $ANFD mean, and how does it work?
A. By providing equal parts of $NFD and $ETH to the Sushi Liquidity Pool, you will obtain SLP tokens from the Sushi Protocol here:
SLP tokens represent your share of the pool. Owning these tokens means you will accrue a fee for every NFD-ETH trade that happens, as you are now facilitating these trades with your liquidity.
One extra incentive we have added for holding SLP tokens is that you can stake them over at Unicrypt (, which will allow you to earn $ANFD.
To earn rewards, you MUST press subscribe on the rewards box.
The pool is active until 2029, emitting 70% of the ANFD supply to SLP stakers. This gives a cost effective way for true believers to gain a stake in a real, provenance backed NFT of the doge, Kabosu.